This post originally appeared on the JadoPado Blog and has been re-produced here to preserve the JadoPado historical record.
We’re incredibly excited to announce that JadoPado is now JadoBado!
After consulting with 23 of the world’s top consulting firms, we realised that there was a strong case for furthering our digital dominance of the Arab world by aligning ourselves more closely with the region.
The Arabic speaking world is an increasingly important global demographic and as the Arabic language does not have the letter P and does not support the use of the letter P, it is clear that all brands including ourselves should switch over to using the letter B in their brands instead.
While this may cause some initial confusion, our deep insightful consultations clearly outline the commercials benefits of doing so.
We’re calling on our neighbour, PepsiCo to immediately re-brand to Bebsi, our friends Porsche down the road to re-own the car space by immediately turning into Borsche, and our fellow digital brethren PropertyFinder, to return to their true selves by embracing BroBertyFinder.

We’re also announcing the kick off of an incredibly important campaign on to the Brands of the World to come together to #DropTheP. Let’s come together to rid the world of this unnecessary character. #DropTheP today!
JadoPado will henceforth be available at Onwards.